Toppage >Language >About The Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama >Recent Publications >Preservation / Education. Museum Activities in Wakayama

On the occasion of ICOM Kyoto 2019, when ICOM-CECA visited the museums in Wakayama, we published the brochure introducing our vision for the various museum activities from the aspect of museum education.
Published by: The Working Group for Promoting Activities of Prefectural Museums in Wakayama
(c) 2019 The Museum of Modern Art, Wakayama; Wakayama Prefectural Museum; Wakayama Prefecture Kii-fudoki-no-oka Museum of Archaeology and Folklore; Wakayama Prefectural Museum of Natural History; Cultural Heritage Division, Lifelong Learning Bureau, Wakayama Prefectural Board of Education; Wakayam City Museum
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